Guidelines on Poster Presentations
- The poster session will be held virtually. Poster presenters are highly recommended to provide a five-minute short poster presentation 1 week ahead of the meeting. The short presentation will provide an opportunity for conference attendees to best schedule live Zoom meetings with the presenters.
- Because a large poster does not show well on shared Zoom screen, please prepare a short Powerpoint slide show of your poster.
- Please record a maximum 5-minute overview of your poster Powerpoint slide show presentation using the Zoom cloud recording option. Please limit time to no more than 5 minutes; your recording is purposed to be an introduction of your poster. Please make sure to select the location of recording to “cloud recording” to avoid generating large files that become technologically difficult to handle. Cloud recording does not require copying your file because it records your talk to the cloud. Please double-check that sound and video quality are acceptable for the recorded talks.
Instructions on recording to the cloud using Zoom are available via either of these videos:
- Please provide the Zoom cloud link for your poster PowerPoint presentation (max 5 min) to the FCBIS organizing committee by emailing your name and the link of your presentation to: This link will be provided in the conference program to the attendees so that they can watch your presentation before meeting with you live on Zoom during the FCBIS poster session.
- Please contact the FCBIS organizing committee if you have any other difficulties handling Zoom recording by emailing